NEMS: Nurse-Midwife Education Management System

NEMS: Nurse-midwife Education Management System

Nurse-midwife education consists of the theoretical and practical training provided to nurses with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals. This education is provided to nursing students by experienced nurses and other medical professionals who have qualified or experienced for educational tasks. Most countries offer nurse education courses that can be relevant to general nursing or to specialized areas including mental health nursing, pediatric nursing and post-operatory nursing. Courses leading to autonomous registration as a nurse typically last four years. Nurse education also provides post-qualification courses in specialist subjects within nursing. NEMS is a management system to manage above mentioned nurse-midwife education at Nursing schools.



Now a day’s computerized education management information system is playing vital role to follow-up the students’ performance for better quality of education. Computer technology gives us a tool to cope with the complexity and increase the efficiency which is often required in many areas of work. In Bangladesh, about 12,000 nurses and midwives students are admitted every year into approximately 170 nursing schools. Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council have recorded all students’ info into BNMC student’s database in a decentralized manner during admission. However, there is no existing system that follows up and tracks student’s performance and drop-out information, if any. Further to that, manual exam tabulation is practised in nursing institutes and colleges. Development of a computerized tabulation and result system would help to reduce the workload of the nurse instructors and foster transparency in result publication for nursing institutes and colleges.

Considering the above facts, HRH project is planning to develop an electronic Nurse-midwife Education Management System (NEMS) for better education management in Nursing Institutes. NEMS will be designed to track records on: student admissions and registration, student’s fee receipts, students; attendance, yearly performance of students and exam and marking tabulation, laboratory and library inventory management including management of the residential hostels.


as on 17 Feb, 2025 12:55 PM